Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Move along...nothing to see here :)

Nothing new to report. received my DNA for the ethnicity review on August 22nd, 2013.  They said results take 6-8 weeks.  My friend who recently used the service got his results in about 4, so we'll see.  I'm anxious to see what the results are.  It might give me some insight on what nationality my birth father was... I'm actually more excited to get this information back than I am on the actual search.

Dillon International received all of my search documents and sent them to Korea on August 27th.  I may get a brief update this week, but it is unlikely that I'll get any information so soon.  The search can take many many months to many years.  As I have said before...I'm really ok with that.  It gives me time to figure out what I'll do with the information if a connection is made.

I'm having dinner with my parents this weekend and will bring them up to speed on everything that I've learned and about the search.  I really wanted to wait and not bother them with this until/unless we found someone, but I also didn't want them to find out from someone else.  Keeping a blog about this journey isn't exactly keeping it hush hush.  :)  Though they have always been very open and supportive about my adoption...I am their daughter and I can only imagine that there will be some feelings of insecurity.  I need to put any potential fears to rest.  They are my parents.  They are my family.  Period.  

In other news... I leave for Korea in 30 days!  Wow...

Have a great week!


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